Workplace Discrimination: What You Can Do if You've Been Unfairly Targeted
Chuck Kable, JD
Learn how to address workplace discrimination as an MD or DO with these steps from Andwise. Understand your rights, document evidence, and take action to advocate for yourself.
Securing Parental Leave: A Comprehensive Guide for Physician Parents
Chuck Kable, JD
As a physician, navigating parental leave can be complex, but with the right approach, you can secure valuable time to bond with your child and return to work feeling supported.
7 Hidden Pitfalls in Physician Employment Contracts: How to Spot and Avoid Them
Chuck Kable, JD
Physician employment contracts can be lengthy and complex, containing clauses that might limit your professional freedom down the road.
Navigating Telehealth Across State Lines: A Comprehensive Guide for MDs & DOs
Chuck Kable, JD
A patchwork of regulations exists across the US. Each state defines its own telehealth requirements. Learn more from Chuck Kable, Esq.
Physician Side Hustles: A Practical Guide to Legal Compliance
Chuck Kable, JD
Financial goals, industry expertise, or a deeper dive into a specific area of interest can all be motivations for a side hustle.
Understanding Your Leverage as a New Attending
Chuck Kable, JD
Many new graduates wonder whether they have any leverage in their first negotiation and, if so, what kind. The answer is a resounding yes.
Surgeon Contract Regrets: Top 8 Pitfalls and How to Navigate Them
Chuck Kable, JD
Learn the top 8 pitfalls in surgeon contract negotiations and how to avoid them. Gain insights and strategies to secure a contract that supports your patient care and well-being.
Whistleblowing as a Medical Resident: Protecting Patients
Chuck Kable, JD
As a resident physician, you're dedicated to learning the intricacies of the healthcare system. Sometimes, this means encountering practices that compromise patient safety.
The Power of "No": Setting Boundaries and Asserting Your Rights in the Workplace
Chuck Kable, JD
Discover how to balance your professional obligations and personal well-being with Andwise's strategies for saying "no" in the workplace.
Renegotiate Your Success: A Hospitalist's Guide to Contract Optimization
Chuck Kable, JD
With Andwise, master contract renegotiations with our guide. Learn key strategies to enhance value, balance, and professional growth in your role.
Strategic Reframing: Negotiation Techniques for Physicians
Chuck Kable, JD
Explore strategic reframing in our guide designed for physicians negotiating their employment contracts. Learn to articulate your value in a way that resonates.